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From: Jamaica, To: Di Worl

Thought it was time to unleash a bit of Jamaica on you (don’t worry, it’s just music)! So we put together a likl mix fi yu. Actually, this amazing girl Kassi Thomas just up and mailed us a card and CD (and actual store bought CD,  seriously) out of the blue. We didn’t even know her! So the LEAST we could do was send her a mix in return. SO this is the mix we sent her, except this one is iTunes “formatted” with as much info for each song as I have. I even made album artwork! Hope you can find some enjoyment in it.

Jamaican This Awesome Flag

From Jamaica, To You

I’m not going to bother listing the tracks because they’re listed in iTunes (which I think most everyone uses now?). If not, ask me. However, I will say a few words about the tracks. I tried not to include any Marley or classic things you might have heard (however, I couldn’t resist with the first track). So most things are current to somewhat current. For you with too much internet time here’s the wiki on Reggae and it’s subgenres. That will help explain a bit more about each type (Dancehall, Culture, Lover’s Rock).

A word about Dancehall: Try NOT to understand what they’re saying. You’ll feel better about yourself if you don’t try and interpret the lyrics. Please. They aren’t good for you. (And in iTunes, the artists, Nigel and Dwayne are just friends of mine who I got themusic from.) Got it? Good.

That’s it. There’s plenty more to explain, but I don’t have time. So ask questions and let me know what you think of this music!

Lieta (“Later” spelled phonetically in Patois)

Goob loves him some Reggae

Goob loves him some Reggae

One Response

  1. hah! i’m glad to see you decided to share it with everyone! regardless of whether or not reggae is your normal choice of ear stimulation, it’s definitely fun.

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